Walter Elias ‘’Walt’’ Disney, co-founded what we now know as The Walt Disney Company in 1920 at the age of 19 after working several jobs, and decided to pursue his desire for animated cartoons. This has developed into a well-renowned entertainment empire.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart

Psalms 37:4

To desire a thing means to strongly and eagerly want that thing. It is a very intense want.  It is actively seeking something with the whole of one’s spirit, soul and body.  As you move towards the realisation of your dreams, you must be willing to pay any price in righteousness to see your dreams come true.  When you get to a place where you can confidently say: “I will do whatever it takes to see my success, I will pay whatever price is necessary to see my dreams come true, I will go to any length to force this dream into reality”, then, we can say that you have the kind of desire it takes to succeed. Evangelist Mike Murdock said, “Pursuit is the proof of desire.”  I would like to add that, “your chase is the only proof of your choice.”

Desire does not plan to retreat, surrender or fail. It does not worry about certainty and uncertainty. Successful people create certainty out of uncertainty.  Do not plan to return to that old path of failure. Throw away the map that guides only to the road of failure; get on board the ship of success. Let your dream be so definite that if the Creator were to ask you to make one wish, you would not think twice before mentioning your dream.  Back up your dream with a desire so hot that you would do anything in righteousness to get it.  It is always sad when it is difficult to define a man by a specific dream and a force called desire. Your desire should become a driving obsession.

Desire is essential to bring our dreams into reality. The woman with the issue of blood was moved by the force of desire.  She pressed and pushed until she touched the hem of the Master’s garment.  She got her miracle.  Desire made Zaccheus, a very short man, climb a tree.  He was a very wealthy man, but the desire to see the very Son of God; the desire to taste a new life with God was stronger than the desire to guard his status.  So, he threw caution to the winds and up the tree he hopped, “I MUST SEE JESUS!” he must have said.

Desire caused blind Bartimaeus to scream, calling on the name of the Son of God. “I must see, I must see”, was the cry of his heart; his mouth had no choice but to shout in unison with his heart. He was not denied. The Holy Bible says, “To him that believeth, all things are possible.” I add, “To him that desireth and desireth strong enough, all things are acquirable!” As your desire is, so will your achievements be!!!

Action Plan

  • Identify and begin to take the necessary steps you need to realize your dreams.
  • Have strong faith in our Lord Jesus to actualize your dreams.

Prayer/Affirmation: I pray that during this season of praying and fasting and looking up to God, a fresh fire of positive Godly and passionate desire for good success will flood our hearts.


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